Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Garage Sale Table Transformed!

I finally got some time to work on my garage sale table. Remember this ugly thing from my last post?? YIKES! The rose stickers on top really made me gag.

I peeled them off with a razor and lightly sanded the whole table. Then, of course, I spray painted it black. It looked much better, but still needed a little something.... a little flare, if you will. I gathered my stenciling supplies.

A few stenciling tips:

- I use painters tape for delicate surfaces to hold my stencil in place. If you spend the time to paint it try not to mess it up as you stencil!
- Clean the paint off your stencil each time you move it, otherwise the tiny bit of paint that somehow gets on the back of your stencil will ruin your design.
- Don't worry if you get some stencil paint on another part of the table. Just wipe it off with a damp paper towel before it dries!

(see the design-ruining paint on the back of this stencil??)

Here's how she turned out-


Much better than roses, huh?


  1. I'm digging that table. Good work!


    (I wandered over from Thrifty Decor Chick's blog)

  2. Oh the table is beautiful! What a great job - thank you for sharing!!

  3. It is certainly not ugly anymore! I love ROUND tables -- You really turned this one into a head-turner. Beautiful!

  4. Pretty table! I love the design you painted on. Great job! :)

  5. awesome! I want a little table like that for the bedside. :)

  6. Ugly...not no more! It looks outstanding...don't you just LOVE finding awesome finds like this one? I know I sure do...thrifty is my middle name! Hope you have a WARM and FUN weekend. LOOK...a new's ME!

